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Croatian Translation for Change-of-control-Klausel - English-Croatian Dictionary

A+ A. Jedną z kluczowych kwestii wymagających szczególnej uwagi nabywcy (tak na etapie badania prawnego, jak i negocjacji towarzyszących uzgadnianiu treści dokumentów transakcyjnych) jest możliwość „przeniesienia” na nabywcę praw z umów. Se hela listan på Change of control clause. A contractual provision which gives a party to an agreement enhanced protection if the controlling shareholding of the other party is transferred. In commercial contracts a change of control clause will often give the party who is not subject to a change in ownership the right to terminate the agreement in the event of a 4.6.5 Change of control 31 4.6.6 Långvarig sjukdom 31 4.6.7 Bodelning, konkurs och dödsfall 32 4.6.8 När som helst 34 4.7 Friköps- och utköpsklausuler 34 4.8 Budgivningsklausuler 35 4.8.1 Allmänt 35 2017-10-19 · A change in control clause must specifically address how the contract is to be handled if or when the other party to the agreement undergoes a specific type of change to its structure and/or ownership. A robust contract will include distinct yet detailed clauses with respect to both assignments and changes of control. Change of Control Clause Also known as change of control. A provision in an agreement giving a party certain rights (such as consent, payment or termination) in connection with a change in ownership or management of the other party to the agreement.

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Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Vertragsregelung im Anstellungsvertrag von Vorstands- oder Geschäftsführungsmitgliedern, die diesen im Falle eines Eigentümerwechsels die Möglichkeit bietet, gegen Zahlung einer fest vereinbarten Abfindungssumme (und oft auch einer entsprechenden Pensionsregelung) durch eigenen Entschluss das Unternehmen zu verlassen. change of control clausule: Een clausule in een contract of regeling die van kracht wordt zodra een onderneming (geheel of gedeeltelijk) wordt overgenomen (in andere handen overgaat). Een dergelijke regeling kan bijvoorbeeld gaan over de beloning van bestuurders bij een overname (change of control vergoeding, change of control bonus). Content of change-of-control clauses. In order to avoid ambiguity or the need to interpret a change-of-control clause, it is beneficial for the parties to specify by contract what circumstances they regard as change of control.

veterinary, phytosanitary, border and other types of control as stipulated by the passengers and baggage handling may change depending on the terms and 

convenience only and in case of any discrepancy, the Swedish text shall control. or (c) a (direct or indirect) change of Control in respect of the other Party. control or otherwise deal in funds or other property constituting the proceeds of  You or your authorized agent can change your opt out selection anytime by clicking choices and tools that allow you to control certain data collection activities.

Överväg en genomgång av avtalen för att hitta eventuella bestämmelser som ger motparten rätt att säga upp eller omförhandla avtalet vid en ägarförändring (s.k. change of control klausul) eller andra bestämmelser som kan upplevas negativa för en köpare av bolaget; en sådan genomgång gör att säljaren är förberedd på köparens frågor kring avtalen och i vissa fall finns det möjlighet för säljaren att rätta till …

Change of control klausul

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Change of control klausul

change of control-klausuler, som skulle kunna ge rätt för motparten att säga upp avtal på grund av den ägar- förändring som  directly control or that you share with others. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this agreement, Previews are nontransferable and provided “AS IS. Transfer out (byte av registrar) 3,6 %. • 2 425 nyregistreringar.
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Change of control klausul

4.6.5 Change of control 31 4.6.6 Långvarig sjukdom 31 4.6.7 Bodelning, konkurs och dödsfall 32 4.6.8 När som helst 34 4.7 Friköps- och utköpsklausuler 34 4.8 Budgivningsklausuler 35 4.8.1 Allmänt 35 2017-10-19 Klauzule change of control nie zostały uregulowane w prawie polskim, choć nie ulega wątpliwości, że dopuszczalność ich stosowania można wprost wywodzić z zasady swobody umów wyrażonej w art. 353 1 k.c.

change of control-klausuler, dvs klausuler som ger motparten rätt att säga upp avtalet i det  Offentliga Hus announces Change of Control under its outstanding bond loans. Reference is made to Offentliga Hus i Norden AB (publ)'s (the “. Vissa av ASSA ABLOYs större finansieringsavtal innehåller en sedvanlig så kallad ”Change of Control”-klausul. Klausulen innebär att långivarna äger rätt att,  Change of control-klausul.
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A “CHANGE OF CONTROL” shall mean any one of the following events: (a) the acquisition, directly or indirectly, of ownership or power to vote more than 50% of the voting stock of either of the EMPLOYERS; (b) the merger of either of the EMPLOYERS into, or the consolidation of either of the EMPLOYERS with, another corporation, or the merger of another corporation into either of the EMPLOYERS, on a basis whereby less than fifty percent of the total voting power of the surviving corporation

Klausul-klausul di dalam CPOB (Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik) 2018 juga banyak yang mengatur tentang perubahan. Klausul-klausul ini tersebar di hampir semua bab CPOB 2018. change of control 143 change of control-klausul 224 CIF 63 CIGF 91 CIP 63 CISG 38 – for sen accept 42 – hvornår anvendes – 38 – leveringstid 88 – nabolandsforbehold 39 – opfordring til at give tilbud 40 – risiko for undergang 89 – salgsgenstandens kvalitet 83 – tilbagekaldelse af accept 42 – tilbud 40 Change of control Overdragelse af en bestemmende aktiepost kan dog konkret anses for et ejerskifte, jf. eksempelvis U 1966.145 H – udløsning af tilbagekøbsret. • En kommune K solgte efter forhandling med A en industrigrund til et under dannelse værende aktieselskab, der skulle overtage A's virksomhed, og i hvilket A var den ene af No Control Clause This insurance shall not be affected by failure of the Insured to comply with any provisions of this policy in any portion of the location over which the Insured has no control. Pencantuman klausul Non-Invalidation Clause, Breach of Warranty Clause telah membawa implikasi serius atas klaim pada suatu polis Klausul 6.1 : Actions to address risks and opportunities; Klausul 7.1.6 : Knowledge Management; Selain itu, ada beberapa klausul ISO 9001:2008 yang lebih ditekankan lagi di ISO 9001:2015 seperti. Klausul 6.3 : Planning of change; Klausul 8.5.5 : Post delivery activities; Klausul 8.5.6 : control of change Change of Voyage 10.1 Where, after attachment of this insurance, the destination is changed by the Assured, this must be notified promptly to Insurers for rates and terms to be agreed.